With Magento you can set few kinds of shipping methods: flat rate, table rates or even real-time carrier rates from UPS, FedEx and DHL. You can also use free shipping discounts, that can be created for order amounts, or as part of specific marketing promotions.
To set shipping methods in backoffice go to System -> Configuration and choose from the left navigation "Shipping methods". When you want to use Table rates you can choose one of three conditions avalaible:
- Weight vs. Destination
- Price vs. Destination
- Number of Items vs. Destination
You also need to create csv file for your table rates. You can first export one from magento to have a template. To do that you will need to change scope for your website in "Current Configuration Scope" (top left select box). Choose "Main website" for example. Then in Table rates you will be able to see "Export CSV" button.
Export and save tablerates.csv on your computer. The CSV file should looks like:
Above lines define shipping rates for all regions in France. As you see weight condition is set as "from and above". So when order wieght is 0 and above (0-10 kg) shipping wil cost 11 euros, when its 10 and above (10 - 20 kg) shipping is 13 euros. When order weight is above 20 kg you will pay 15 euros for shipping. Even when it's 100 kg or 1000 kg you will still pay 15 euros! The problem with condition "from and above" is that you are unable to set maximum weight. So lets make these conditions work in "up to" way.
In "up to" way tablerates.csv like:
will define that for order which weight is up to 10 kg (0-10 kg) shipping cost is 13 euros. For orders up to 20 kg (10 - 20 kg) it's 15 euros. So the maximum weight for table rate is 20kg. Above 20kg you will have no table rate available.
To make table rates work that way function getRate() from Mage_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Carrier_Tablerate needs to be overwriten. First we need to create new module under /code/local directory and configure it:
Our module needs to be activated by creating file Boabaz_Shipping.xml in app/etc/modules directory:
In new module create class Baobaz_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Carrier_Tablerate that will extend core magento class Mage_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Carrier_Tablerate.
Then lets copy/paste getRate(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request) function from core class and change few last lines at the end of the function:
That will make table rates conditions work in "up to" way.